🌀What is Cycle Network

Web3 marks a paradigm shift from Web2 by replacing centralized backend servers like IDC or cloud services with decentralized solutions. Over the past 16 years, Web3's development approach has evolved significantly. Initially, the focus was on large Layer 1 blockchains like Ethereum and Solana. However, in recent years, as Rollup technology has matured, developers have begun building their dApps on Layer 2 solutions or using independent Rollups. Despite these advancements, developers encounter increasing platform limitations, which hinder long-term projects and stifle industry innovation.

Cycle Network addresses these challenges by offering secure chain abstraction technology. This enables developers to freely program for the entire Web3 user base and data using SDKs and other middleware, achieving true chain abstraction. Cycle Network constructs chain abstraction infrastructure through verifiable state aggregation and combines the Omni State Channel Indexer (OSCI) with a decentralized aggregated Sequencer to realize global state proof of trustless state changes across blockchain networks. It extracts the inherent trustless cross-chain characteristics from Rollup and extends them through the Rollup's Data Availability (DA) layer to a decentralized omni-chain settlement layer. This structure allows Cycle Network to support trustless global state proof across all Layer 1, Layer 2, and application chains. Cycle Network also inherits security from the chosen Rollup's security layer to achieve trustless global state proof. The Omni ZK-Rollup enables verifiers to efficiently confirm the existence of state changes between related chains and the Cycle Network. CycleNetwork further leverages ZK hardware acceleration to continuously optimize latency and enhance the user experience.

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